So there I am, on the set of Suicide Squad. David
Ayer, the director, is talking to that lady from The Help and Doubt. Later I learn her
name is Viola Davis. What a nice and kind woman! She noticed my chin right away,
and called me Chinfleck. And it stuck. I found it endearing. But there she is,
being told by the director to call Robocop a pussy! And a bitch! You
don’t call the Robocop a
bitch! Joel Kinnaman, the actor who plays Rick Flag, is a nice guy and all, but I tell you: he did not like it one bit, that Viola called him a bitch. You know what I say? I say: time are a changin', buddy! Her character, Ammanda Waller, is one strict boss in the movie! A bit too one dimensional, for my taste, but hey, she was commited to it!