1. 20th Century Women was a delightful surprise for me. I didn’t really want to go see it. The
title didn’t appeal to me - who wants to watch a movie titled whatever- women?
After the horror of "The
Women" and the much, much better but still not very enjoyable Certain Women, I felt like I had it with whatever-women
movies. Plus the description: "a single mom parents her teenage son along
with two young women who help her " made me worry even more. And
then I saw the name Greta Gerwig. Miss Gerwig usually makes me feel really irritated
with movies she is in, since I find her performance insufferable. Not for a
lack of talent, she certainly is a very talented lady, but something about her
usual manners rubs me to wrong way. And its hard to say why. Maybe it is because more often than not she is cast as somewhat neurotic (and to me one-dimensional, therefore uninteresting) basket case. And I was afraid it was going to be the same this time around.
2. Well I couldn’t have been more wrong. On everything. The movie
broke the spell of whatever-women flicks being bad. The description of the plot,
while accurate, cannot communicate the beauty of the film and the depth of the
characters portrayed in it. So: don’t be put off by it, there is no need. And
no, you do not need to be a woman or a feminist, to enjoy the movie. It’s a "normal" coming of age film. While the
movie does mention the word “feminism“ quite often, it is not a
"feminist" movie (certainly not in the misused scary way), and what’s more
important - it can make fun of itself, its female protagonists and even feminism.
A quality that, I find, the real-life examples of feminists often seem to
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there seems to be a slight hormonal imbalance in this room |
3. But the best surprise for me was Greta Gerwig. The same woman
who made me walk out of two film screenings already (Frances
Ha and Maggie’s
Plan) was one of the best things in the movie. It seems that with
her role of Abbie, the feminist, punker, friend and a babysitter in one, she
was finally allowed to portray a character that wasn’t supposed to be
irritating. She has made a step toward this in Jackie already,
but completed the transition here in the 20th Century Women. I marveled in her beautifully
calming yet plot stirring and powerful presence in every scene she was in.
4. Many talk about Bening’s
performance in this piece. And don’t get me wrong, it was great. I especially
appreciated her almost naked face, which I still find as enticing as it was in
1989 in Forman’s Valmont.
But Annette Bening is simply wonderful in everything. She was awesome even in
the shitty Women film that portrayed women as sad caricatures of themselves. The
fact this 4 times Oscar nominated actress hasn’t won the award yet is ridiculous,
and I believe 20th Century Women should have taken home more nominations than
just the one for the best original screenplay.
5. Now, it is kind of ironic that such a marvelous film about women
was written and directed by a guy. But in the end that doesn’t matter. Mike Mills brought
us a powerful film, that had an amazing ensemble cast, where even Elle
Fanning was given a
chance to truly shine in a quality movie, after a series of questionable
choices this talented actress (or her agent) has made.
6. When you consider this is only a third full-feature movie from
Mike Mills, whose previous work includes
the (also semi-biographic) Beginners,
a high-quality shtick about his father, a long time closeted gay, who only
finds courage to come out in his late seventies, you have to admire how much
got accomplished with so little experience in full feature movie making. The
only other example I can think of from recent history is the revelation that is Tom
Ford as a director, who’s Single
man as well as Nocturnal Animals were
both amazingly well done. And maybe it is no coincidence - because Mills also
dabbles in design (albeit graphic design) and his eye for
visual beauty shows in his movies as well.
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whats wrong officer, the female is not driving, don't worry! |
7. There is not much point talking about the plot of 20th Century
Women. You must experience it for yourself. It’s a light drama with light
comedy combined, its magical, gentle, yet powerful. A story about Dorothea, a
single mother trying to do the best for her teenage son, I think describes it
the best. One of the scenes closer to the end offers something unique and rare
to see in movies these days: when Dorothea (Bening) explains to her teenage
son Jamie why she did what she did, watch out for his answer. Spoiler: where the son says he was fine as he was, and he is fine being brought up by just a single mother. To me that was one of
the highlights of the script, along with the reason that Julie (Fanning) gives
as for why she has sex with (presumably so many) guys and the scene where young
Jamie (Lucas Jade Zumann -
what a clap back after the horrible Sinister
2) reads about female orgasms and other hard-core feminism stuff to
his mother. Film: 8, Genre: 9. Entertainment value: 10
True romance. Minus the Bates motel weirdness. |
8. What I didn’t like about this movie? Apart from its somewhat
bland title? Nothing. For me it wasn’t too slow, for me it didn’t lack
anything, it didn’t focus too much on a past era, and it certainly didn’t
portray women as peripheral. Yes, it wasn’t some unique piece of filmmaking that
would redefine cinematography or its genre, sure, but it was so well crafted
and presented, and so endearing and human, that the word "art" really
belongs to it in my eyes.
9. What I liked about the movie? The cast did a great job. Billy
Crudup as Dorothea’s friend and tenant was a good choice. In a completely different role after his serious reporter
in Jackie. The cinematography was intriguing. (Sean Porter - Greenroom). The music in the movie was a big part of the movie's appeal for me, and not just because its set in the
seventies and has a great soundtrack. I also enjoyed both the light and dark humor in the film. Be it talking about menstruation at a
dinner table, in one of the least obnoxious scenes including menstruation that ever made it on screen, or when the teenage boys talk about how to make women cum and why it might be a good idea - it always felt
served at the right moment with just about right amount of cringe and laughter
to go with it.
but...I dont even know what menstruation is... |
10. Who is this movie for? For everyone who likes seemingly simple
stories talking about seemingly simple matters from our everyday life. For
those who liked the movie Paterson, (directed by Jim Jarmush) but wished it had
a bit more humor in it. For those that grew up with single mothers. For those
that have sisters. For those that have any women around them or were young
once. For those that like the music from the seventies and want to see what
life in California was like back then. And for those that just want to
enjoy a good filmmaking for 2 hours, without realizing the movie really has 120
where is my Oscar? |
Přísahám, že jsem četl A rare piece of subtle shit! A to o tom filmu nic nevím. Až budu mít čas přečíst si recenzi, přečtu si recenzi. Zatím jen hádám, že film zpracovává skutečné události, kdy se ze společnosti 20th Century Fox oddělila jednak skupina žen, která založila společnost 20th Century Women, jež se soustřeďuje na feministické filmy, jednak skupina žen, která založila společnost 20th Century Foxy Ladies. Uhodl jsem?
OdpovědětVymazatSakra, mi to nekdo prepnul do cizi reci, hazim na to piece of subtle shit a du.
OdpovědětVymazatTyhle anglický experimenty prosím ne.
OdpovědětVymazatfakof munko
VymazatAle no tak…. no tak pisu jednu z deseti recenzi anglicky. no a co?
VymazatZrovna ty anglicky prece umis, ne?
Ajvngou: ty mas superschopnost uchazet se o nejvetsiho tydyta kterykoliv komunity.
Vymazatajvngou please go
VymazatPlease go moku!
VymazatNajednou je corvus docela fajn clovek, vidte?
Vymazatme nejvic dostal zpusob kterym nekdo dokazal vyjadrit neco jako "ty zensky to musely mit docela tezky" aby to nevyznelo nejen didakticky nebo tlacene ale naopak az dojemne; ta hudba delala dost asi
OdpovědětVymazatjo ta hudba me taky okouzlila. a prekvapilo me jak me ten film oslovil. jak pisu v recenzi, puvodne me nezaujal, skoro dokonce nazvem i nametem odpuzoval, prave protoze podobny pribehy mi vetsinou vyznej tlacene nebo nejak moralisticky. tohle byla fakt prijemna zmena.
Vymazat© 1988 Didaktik Tlacenka
VymazatJsem rád, že moje kvalitní komentáře mají takovou silnou odezvu. Něco dělám zřejmě dobře. Jsem rád součástí komunity.
OdpovědětVymazatOkamih: Munko jsem neznal, urban dictionary vysvětlil, dík.
Mýval: Já si nevšiml, že jsou tady anglický recenze, zatím jsem poctivě pročetl jenom leden, únor, březen 2016, takže to pro mě bylo takový nic moc překvapení. Anglicky moc dobře neumím, používám google translator a seznam slovník, takže je to pro mě celkem dřina něco přeložit, natož si takhle počíst. Tak příště už budu vědět.
Anonym1: Makám na tom, ještě to není úplně dopilovaný.
Spimfurt: Na tvůj report o nutriích tohle samozřejmě nemá.
aha a proc ja mam pocit ze umis anglicky hodne dobre a delas dokonce titulky? mylim se?
Vymazatsnad je to neobratny pokus o trolovani a ne prvoplanova picusoidnost
Titulky (amatérský) dělám, ale já jsem spíš takovej samouk, co nemá ten skill, aby i po sedmi letech koukal na filmy bez titulků nebo četl bez škobrtnutí New York Times. V tom jsem pořád máslo.
Vymazatjsi krestan? navstevujes nejakou komunitu krestanu?
VymazatAjvngoue, jsi frantiskuv nepriznany bratr? Chytry, vtipny a hezky ste uplne stejne. Jako dvojcata.
VymazatČO: Já roznáším Strážní věž.
Vymazatstale jeste muzes byt krestan ktery se za to stydi; nebo ktery si mysli, ze dela humor tim, ze si mysli, ze mezi krestany a jehovisty je nejaky (podstatny) rozdil; jsi krestan a navstevujes nejakou komunitu krestanu?
VymazatAnebo je to velmi konkrétní odpověď na typ mého křesťanského vyznání. Teď nevím. Úplně jsi mě do toho zamotal. Ježiš...
VymazatJa myslim, ze je treba pohlednout pravde do oci a priznat si, ze ackoli jehouni jsou podmnozinou krestanu (byt se zprasitelem pribitym na cool), sovetskej Ivanhoe to jeste na Straznou vez nedotahl a zatim jede jenom Probudte se! Coz byste ovsem udelat meli.
VymazatTo nebyly notorie, ale undatry.
VymazatBylo tady hezky.... samy prijemni lidi tu byli....
OdpovědětVymazatBavili sme se tu o filmech a o kozach a ted tady budem resit toho picuse. To je jak na horske draze, jen bez toho aby se aspon chvili jelo nahoru. Proste jen pad do hlubin.
OdpovědětVymazatneboj, v pondeli bude recenze na skvele Get Out, ve kterem je Milton z Office Space a k tomu prima gore, to ti urcite navrati chut do zivota.
VymazatRadeji bych sex, ale treba ta recenze bude lepsi. Nez sex.
VymazatSex je pro n00by, pravej 1337 reloaduje nutrie-ondatry.cz co 5 minut a prudi ajvngoua. To je teprv ten pravej pozitek.
Vymazatajvn, go home.
OdpovědětVymazatnutite mne do opozice….
Vymazatajvngo - necht ti buh nadale zehna, jinde i tady, si vitan. minimalne do odvolani.
Ja si myslim, ze sem lezou jen ztroskotanci s koprem a ze by se to tu melo na primluvu zmocnence pro lidska prava zavrit.
OdpovědětVymazatkopr je ale to co vsichni mame spolecneho, do toho nerejpej!
VymazatNo prave. Kdyz vas vidim, tak se za sebe stydim.
Vymazatpro mě za mě, ať jde ajvngou kam chce. hlavně ať tam neni internet, aby mě nemohl na mých oblíbených webech šikanovat svou přítomností.
OdpovědětVymazatto jako vole se ted tady povedou nejaky zasrany krestansky disputace pod kazdou reckou jo? fakin veda
OdpovědětVymazatTo sis splet, fakir je muslim a veda patri k hinduismu.